
  1. 条款的适用性. 使用猎鹰卡, 包括但不限于使用餐券, 猎鹰基金, 或猎鹰卡帐户, is subject to the following terms and conditions (“条款与条件”). 任何滥用猎鹰卡的人都将受到纪律处分,并可能被限制或吊销猎鹰卡. Your use of the Falcon Card constitutes your agreement to these 条款与条件. SPU may revise these 条款与条件 at any time without notice. 发给Interlink学生的猎鹰卡受这些条款和条件的约束,但可能不具有发给SPU学生的猎鹰卡的所有功能. 

  2. 定义. For purposes of these 条款与条件, the following meanings apply:

    1. “持卡人”一词,“你”和“你的”是指名字和形象出现在好的赌博软件推荐猎鹰卡上的人.
    2. The terms “we,” “us,” “SPU” and “university” refer to 好的赌博软件推荐.
    3. “卡”指的是猎鹰卡.
    4. “ou”一词指的是SPU的大学服务办公室.
    5. “SFS”一词指的是SPU的学生金融服务办公室.

  3. 获取新卡、替换卡或临时卡.

    1. 永久牌. 获得猎鹰卡, 你必须去美国大学, 提供有效的政府签发的带照片的身份证件, 然后照张相. 所有猎鹰卡上只印合法的姓和名.
    2. 临时卡. A temporary card with limited functions may be issued by OUS during regular business hours. 临时卡在三个工作日后失效. They are valid at the SPU图书馆 and in Gwinn Commons 餐厅 Hall during regular meal plan hours. 餐厅美元 and 猎鹰基金 cannot be accessed with a temporary card. 周末不开放,不发放新卡或临时卡. 如果您没有有效的猎鹰卡或临时卡, 在用餐地点必须付现金或使用信用卡.
    3. 指控. 您的第一张猎鹰卡是免费的. A replacement card will be issued free of charge if your 名字 has legally changed, 欧空局发现你的卡有缺陷, 或您的卡因OUS错误而保证更换. 在所有其他情况下,费用为25美元.换一张卡要收费00美元. 如果您需要使用临时卡,费用为5美元.每张临时卡收费00英镑. All applicable charges for a new, temporary, or replacement card will be applied to your SFS account. You will receive an email notifying you when your electronic SFS account statement is posted. 您的对账单将包括付款到期日期. Late payments will result in a late fee and a past-due account hold.
    4. 专业识别徽章. 某些学生, 教职员工除了获得猎鹰卡外,还可以获得校外使用的专业识别徽章. Specialty identification badges are issued with the holder’s first and last 名字, 照片, 和大学标识符.  这些徽章仅适用于某些学术课程,如护理(SHS)和医疗家庭实习(SPFC)。. 收费5美元.00.

  4. 报失或被窃卡. 如果你的猎鹰卡丢了或者被偷了, 您必须立即向猎鹰卡服务公司报告,或者登录您的猎鹰卡账户,从菜单中选择“我丢失了我的卡”,以便卡可以停用. 如果你的信用卡遗失或被窃而没有报失,可能会造成保安风险及经济损失(e).g., unauthorized access to facilities, unauthorized use of your meal plan, blocks and 猎鹰基金). The Falcon Card does not offer consumer protection like a credit card. 被报失或被窃的卡将被停用,但在没有补卡的情况下可以重新激活. If you locate your lost card after a replacement card has been issued, you are not eligible for a refund of your replacement card cost and your old card cannot be reactivated.

  5. 所有权和使用. 每张卡都是学校的财产. 您的卡可以在任何时候被学校取消或撤销,并且必须根据要求退还给猎鹰卡服务办公室. The Falcon Card is nontransferable and it is only for the designated cardholder’s use.

  6. 责任. 作为持卡人, it is your responsibility to maintain possession of the card and to protect the card from damage. 遗失、被盗或损坏的卡必须补办. 您必须对您卡的任何及所有使用负责. 对于持卡人滥用任何卡或持卡人以外的人使用任何卡,SPU不承担任何责任.

  7. 不得修改或更改. You are not allowed to modify or alter a Falcon Card after it has been issued to you, 包括但不限于在卡片上打孔,修改或粘贴照片贴纸, 名字, 或识别号码.

  8. 终止. 您的猎鹰卡在收到后有效,并将在您离开学校时停止使用.g.(因毕业、离职或终止雇佣关系). 除非在这些条款和条件中另有说明, 在你离开学校后,猎鹰卡的所有功能将停止,你可能会被要求将卡交给SPU. SPU may also suspend or terminate some or all of the functions of a cardholder’s Falcon Card at any time, 包括如果SPU认为持卡人违反了这些条款和条件或任何其他大学政策.

  9. 修改和/或终止猎鹰卡的使用. SPU may modify or eliminate any particular use associated with a Falcon Card without notice, including but not limited to reducing the number of opportunities for use of 猎鹰基金 on campus. The university may also transfer its administration of any Falcon Card use (e.g., 猎鹰基金) to a third party that the university deems qualified to manage the program.

  10. 隐私. 您的数字图像将被打印在您的猎鹰卡的表面,并将存储在大学的数据库中. 个人信息收集的卡片, 包括你的照片, and data related to card usage will only be used: (1) for university purposes, (2)必要时完成交易, (3) as may be required to comply with government agency or court orders or subpoenas, 或者(4)征得你的同意.

  11. SPU图书馆. A cardholder may use his or her Falcon Card to borrow books from the library. 使用SPU图书馆服务须遵守本条款及细则未包含的附加规则. 欲了解更多信息,请联系SPU库.

  12. 访问安全地点. A Falcon Card can be used to provide the cardholder with access to certain campus buildings. 安全和安保厅根据各种因素(如.g., whether they live in a residence hall, whether they have classes or work in a particular building). 持卡人不得使用其卡向他人提供未经授权进入任何SPU设施的机会, and no person may use a Falcon Card to obtain unauthorized access to any SPU facility. 为了校园安全,持卡人必须立即向猎鹰卡服务中心报告卡丢失或被盗,或登录猎鹰卡账户并从菜单中选择“我丢失了我的卡”来停用卡.

  13. 餐计划. 如果你有SPU饮食计划, you must present your Falcon Card in order to use your meal plan at campus dining locations. 膳食计划的购买和使用受本条款和条件中未包含的附加条款的约束. 欲知详情,请联络房屋及膳食计划服务部(mealplan@wbalweather.com).

  14. 餐厅美元.

    1. 获得餐费. 用餐美元包含在每周街区用餐计划中,可以用于校园用餐购买,每用餐美元一美元. For each meal plan, a designated amount of 餐厅美元 is added each quarter. 持卡人不可购买额外的餐券,但可购买可用于购买食物的猎鹰基金, 如下所述. 每学年, 餐厅 Dollar balances will carry forward from quarter to quarter through Spring Quarter, 只要持卡人还在按季度用餐计划.
    2. 使用餐费. 餐厅美元 are automatically deducted from your account balance with each dining transaction. 用餐币不能在休息时间使用, 年复一年不滚吗, 是不可退还的, 并且不可转让.
    3. 没收餐费. 用餐券的使用截止时间为下午4:30.m. on the Friday before Commencement; any remaining balance will be forfeited. 如果学生取消了他或她的季度膳食计划, 届时,他或她将丧失剩余的餐费.

  15. 猎鹰基金.

    1. 创建和维护猎鹰基金账户. 持卡人可以通过猎鹰卡服务或使用GET移动应用程序登录他们的猎鹰卡账户,将猎鹰基金添加到他们的猎鹰卡. Placing 猎鹰基金 on your 猎鹰卡账户 creates a declining balance account. 没有账户维护费用. 持卡人可在其猎鹰卡上一次性拥有的猎鹰基金最高金额为2美元,500.00. 猎鹰基金不可转让. The university reserves the right to place accounts on hold in the event of suspicious activity.
    2. 使用猎鹰基金. 猎鹰基金 may be used for dining and non-dining purchases on campus. The university will deduct funds from your account when your card is used for such transactions.
    3. 关闭猎鹰基金账户. 离开大学后(e.g., 因为毕业, 解除或终止雇佣关系), 猎鹰基金可能不再被使用, 猎鹰卡账户将被关闭. 在离职时,持卡人若未将猎鹰卡上的所有资金用完,可按照以下退款程序申请退款, 或者可以将剩余的余额捐赠给大学. 大学还保留以下权利:(i)将任何剩余余额转移到持卡人的SFS账户和, 如果适用的话, use such balance to offset any amount owed by the cardholder to the university; (ii) include any remaining balance in a final paycheck of a departing employee or make a separate direct deposit to a departing employee; and (iii) mail a check to the cardholder for the remaining balance using an address the university has on file for the cardholder.  然而, the university is not required to initiate refund processes for Cardholders, 持卡人对其所有资金的支出负责, 要求退款, or making a donation if they do not want their remaining funds to be treated as abandoned property.
    4. 退款程序. 持卡人在与大学分离时拥有猎鹰基金余额并希望要求退款,必须在分离后的三年内进行. 退款可以通过位于学生菜单上的在线猎鹰基金退款申请表申请 横幅. 持卡人也可以发邮件 falconcards@wbalweather.com 寻求帮助. All refunds are processed by check in the 名字 of the cardholder or by direct deposit, 由学校决定. 支票将在申请退款后四周内寄出.
    5. 放弃了财产. 任何未退还的余额, 用来抵销欠大学的款项, 或在持卡人与学校分离三周年之前捐赠给学校的,将被视为废弃财产, 如果适用的话, 送交有关政府当局.

  16. 无利息或收益. T在这里 is no interest or other earnings on 猎鹰基金 或餐费.

  17. 猎鹰卡账户报表. 您的Falcon Card账户不会自动发出赌博十大靠谱软件餐厅美元或猎鹰基金交易或余额的对账单. 查看您的帐户历史记录, log into your 猎鹰卡账户 or request a report in person at the 猎鹰卡服务 办公室.

  18. Insufficient Funds; SFS Accounts. If you attempt to use your card when t在这里 are insufficient 猎鹰基金 available, 交易可能会被拒绝. If a transaction is approved despite the lack of sufficient 猎鹰基金, 造成负平衡, 猎鹰卡服务 will charge the negative balance to your SFS account. You will receive an email notifying you when your electronic SFS account statement is posted. 您的对账单将包括付款到期日期. Late payments will result in a late fee and a past-due account hold. More information about your SFS account can be found by logging into 横幅.

  19. Questions about Accounts; Suspected Account Errors. 如果你对你的猎鹰基金账户有疑问, 包括如果您怀疑有错误, 参观位于第六大道3220号的猎鹰卡服务办公室. W. 或者发邮件给 falconcards@wbalweather.com. 如果你对饮食计划有疑问, 方框图, 或餐费, 包括如果您怀疑有错误, 联系住房和膳食计划服务部 mealplan@wbalweather.com. 如果你对某笔交易有疑问, we must hear from you within 30 days from the date the transaction occurred. In any correspondence regarding any aspect of your 猎鹰卡账户, please: (a) include your 名字 and SPU ID number; (b) describe the error or transaction in question, 包括日期, time, location and dollar amount of the transaction; and (c) explain as clearly as you can why you believe t在这里 is an error or why you need more information. 在你的通知中发现了一个错误, 赌博十大靠谱软件会及时调查你的问题.

条款 & 条件更新 11/01/2019



你知道的,父母总是有很多问题! 这很好,因为赌博十大靠谱软件有答案了!